8x8 Arduino powered RGB LED Circuit with PWM
an arduino powering a home made LED driver circuit. The circuit uses 4 shift registers to drive 8x8x3 = 192 individual LEDs using only 3 pins (data,clock,latch) on the arduino. Pulse Width Modulation allows for 16 levels of each color on the board, hard to see in the video but lots of pretty colors are possible, including white.link:
24x16 RGB Display with Weather data from Yahoo and SHT11
Movie showing my 24x16 RGB Led panel. Based on 6 Sparkfun SPI controllable 8x8 Led panels with modified atmega8 firmware to allow some PWM on the LEDS. The panel is controlled by an Embedded Master running a C# .NET Micro Framework Program.link:
Arduino LED-Cube
creates a variety of effects using a cube of LEDs.link:
Arduino Synth with LED-Control
creates a number of different sounds using five different controls. LEDs light up as each control is turned.link:
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